All Aboard Florida is a 235-mile passenger rail corridor connecting Orlando to Miami with intermediate stations in Ft. Lauderdale and West Palm Beach.
The project builds upon the existing Florida East Coast corridor between Miami and Cocoa, adding a new 40-mile stretch of track along the State Road 528 corridor between Cocoa and the Orlando International Airport. Developed by Florida East Coast Industries (FECI), it’s the first privately owned, operated, and maintained passenger rail system in the United States in more than a century.
T2 Utility Engineers was engaged to support the project design by providing Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE), utility coordination, and supporting survey services on various segments of the overall alignment. Our team delivered surveying and mapping, utility coordination, and subsurface utility engineering for the preliminary and final design phases.
During the preliminary engineering phase, T2ue gathered utility information based on historical records and confirmed the location of utilities by designating (ASCE 38-02 Quality Level B) Subsurface Utility Engineering and supporting survey services throughout the project limits. Our efforts enabled the team to accurately design the proposed track work to minimize utility impacts.
Within a four-week period, the T2ue team was required to complete subsurface utility engineering services at 180 at-grade railroad crossings, including approximately 200 test holes. Drawing from our national resource pool, T2ue brought in field crews from across the country to successfully complete the fieldwork on schedule. This enabled us to provide a DGN file depicting all requested utility information to finalize the design.
As fieldwork was completed adjacent to an existing railroad, our team:
- undertook rail-specific training
- coordinated with railroad staff to ensure work was conducted safely and to schedule
- trained to work within rail rights of way and effectively communicated and managed the project to ensure work was completed on time and at specified times of the day.
As All Aboard Florida’s proposed tracking entered Orlando International Airport property, our team:
- maintained all security and safety credentials necessary to complete work within the secured areas of Orlando International Airport
- identified and mapped several lines, including fuel lines and Federal Aviation Authority communication lines, to avoid potential impacts in design
- undertook fieldwork during irregular hours when required to avoid impacting air traffic during peak times.