T2ue utilized technological innovation to create a streamlined digital tracking and mapping system for statewide utility encroachment permitting. This innovative system improved accuracy and provides detailed data beyond what was capable through the Georgia Utility Permitting System (GUPS). T2ue has developed a customized mobile app that allows Utility Coordination Inspectors to upload real-time permit inspection and status data from the field, including site photos, status notes, and document attachments. The field data is immediately available to internal GDOT partners through a web portal. Specific permit information including geolocation (longitude and latitude), nearest physical address, weather conditions, and more are automatically populated within the app to minimize potential errors. The field information is then uploaded to the cloud database and mapped with a color-coded location marker for the given permit status. The system that T2ue has developed provides on-demand, accurate information, giving GDOT personnel immediate access that they did not have before.
In addition to routine utility encroachment permit monitoring, the T2 Utility Coordination Inspector team also provides other services. The inspectors patrol and monitor all state roadway routes within their assigned areas to monitor unpermitted work being performed. If found, they issue “Stop Work” orders. Inspectors also utilize the T2ue app for locating, documenting, mapping, and status tracking of utility maintenance items within the rights of way. Each item is documented with photos and is mapped to the cloud for tracking. Our internal partners at GDOT can then utilize these maps during new permit approvals to streamline resolution.
T2 Utility Engineers continues to innovate and revise the Utility Coordination Inspector program to expand its capabilities and the benefits to GDOT. Planned statewide improvements under this program include tracking and monitoring of improper tree trimming, railroad crossing conditions, and small cell permit tracking.