Our History & Industry Highlights

T2 Utility Engineers has been providing Subsurface Utility Engineering and surveying services for decades. Throughout our history, our professionals have been actively involved in industry organizations that develop professional standards and best practices for locating and designating underground and above-ground utilities. T2ue is proud to provide our clients with industry-leading expertise in the management of utility-related risks.


GeoScan Subsurface Surveying, Inc. (GeoScan) a leading utility locating, SUE and surveying firm in British Columbia, Canada, is acquired by T2 Utility Engineering, Inc., expanding services in western Canada.


Ranked #7 in Trenchless Technology 2021 Top 50 Engineering firms. The top ranked 100% Subsurface Utility Engineering services firm for the fifth year.


Applied Professional Services (APS) a utility locating service provider operating in the US Pacific Northwest (Washington and Oregon) is acquired by T2 UES, Inc. to support SUE services.


American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) releases “Standard Guideline for Investigating and Documenting Existing Utilities” (ASCE 38-22), providing more details on best practices to replace ASCE 38-02. Again, our professionals were on the subcommittee that wrote the document.


T2ue holds multiple educational webinars about the changes found in the ASCE 38-22 Standard, led by T2ue members of the ASCE Standards Committee.


Mid-December, T2 Utility Engineers’ US and Canadian operations are acquired by the Kiwa Group of companies, a Netherlands-based, global leader in testing, inspection, certification, and consultancy.


Ranked #7 in Trenchless Technology 2021 Top 50 Engineering firms. The top ranked 100% Subsurface Utility Engineering services firm for the third year.


Ranked #6 in Trenchless Technology 2020 Top 50 firms. The top ranked 100% Subsurface Utility Engineering services firm for the second year. 


Ranked #8 in Trenchless Technology 2019 Top 50 firms. The top ranked 100% Subsurface Utility Engineering services firm.


Cardno’s Utility Engineering & Surveying (UES) Area becomes a separate firm, T2 Utility Engineers.


Canadian operations expand into Province of Alberta with an office in Edmonton.


Colorado signs Senate Bill 18-167. A licensed professional engineer is required to approve underground utility plans. T2ue contributed expertise to the legislation.


The JV owning T2ue in Canada ends. T2ue Canadian operations become part of Cardno’s US Utility Engineering & Surveying (UES) Area.


T2ue launches CCTV services in Canada.


T2ue leads the industry, offering Multi-Channel GPR (MCGPR) STREAM technology in Canada, and later in the US.


Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) is launched by ASCE to develop and advance industry standards. T2ue is proud to be a founding and sustaining member.


TSH/TBE JV becomes – T2 Utility Engineers (T2ue) in Canada.


TBE Group merges with Cardno in the United States. TSH merges with AECOM in Canada.


One of the first in Florida to offer terrestrial LiDAR technology. Often combined with above-ground laser data.


American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) published the Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data, known as ASCE 38-02. Our professionals were on subcommittees that wrote the standards.


TBE Group and TSH Associates create Canadian-based TSH/TBE Subsurface Utility Engineers Joint Venture with an office in Whitby, Ontario.


Tampa Bay Engineering expands into the northern US with Indiana office.


TBE Group begins offering surveying services as an extension of Subsurface Utility Engineering.


Tampa Bay Engineering establishes Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services and begins a long-standing relationship with Florida Department of Transportation.


The US DOT Federal Highway Administration encourages the use of Subsurface Utility Engineering on highway projects.


Tampa Bay Engineering is established.

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