T2 Utility Engineers (T2ue) aided the Las Vegas Valley Water District with a 5.6 mile large diameter waterline replacement project on Las Vegas Boulevard. The District understood that one of the greatest risks for the project was the extensive network of subsurface utilities. Many of the utilities impacting this project are connected to casinos adjacent to the alignment and information about those utility locations is inconsistent.
T2ue was selected based on our decades of experience providing reliable Subsurface Utility Engineering data using advanced technologies appropriate for the project. as well as our experience working in congested traffic environments. The T2ue team completed a full ASCE 38-02 investigation (Quality Level B) utilizing a variety of geophysical technologies including the state-of-the-art Multi-Channel GPR (MCGPR) technology to minimize traffic impact and provide a geo-referenced three-dimensional radar data set that was analyzed by our geophysicists to identify and locate undocumented utilities. The T2ue team investigated and mapped 80% more utilities than were found on the record maps and as-builts, with signed and sealed project plans delivered, following ASCE 38-02 Standard.
In addition to technical expertise, coordination and communication were critical to the successful execution of this project. Aside from the obvious concern of undocumented utilities, the project area has extremely heavy automotive and pedestrian traffic, which led to enhanced safety protocols for this project. In addition, there were several active construction projects along the Strip during the SUE investigation. In addition to handling the complex permitting requirements, our team developed comprehensive communication and planning strategies to coordinate with multiple agencies, consultants, and construction teams to mitigate down-time and in-field conflicts to ensure work could progress. One strategy included having our crews work off-peak hours, between 2:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
By proactively managing these challenging logistics, T2ue crews successfully completed an ASCE 38-02 investigation depicting 122,000 LF of Quality Level B underground utility mapping, including exposing critical conflict points utilizing air-vacuum excavation of 155 Quality Level A test holes.
To address unknown utilities within the corridor and reduce the need for lane closure, T2ue deployed an advanced geophysical technology, MCGPR. The MCGPR is a tow-behind unit approximately the width of a lane that allows the collection of highly detailed subsurface data while driving up to 15mph. No lane closure is required to collect the data. This advanced technology led to the mapping and depiction of 30% more utilities than conventional technology discovered.
Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD)
Las Vegas