LACCD is the largest community college district in the nation, with nine campuses and two satellite campuses that serve more than 250,000 students. To maximize taxpayer dollars, LACCD made the decision to implement a District-wide “Utility Mapping and Conditions Assessments” program that must be compliant with industry standard ASCE 38-02. This program requires complete underground utility systems surveying and comprehensive mapping of existing wet and dry utilities to update and obtain accurate data for campus infrastructure records, following ASCE 38.
Utility mapping was the largest part of the project, which included survey (Encumbrance and Topo), mapping, CCTV and condition assessments. The project covered nine campuses with over 800 acres to designate and investigate to Quality Level B and the completion of 1,200 Quality Level A test holes. Our team worked closely with the client team and faculty to successfully manage the needs of the active campuses while completing the project tasks; work around the flow of students near mobilization areas as well as manage noise level concerns during test hole work.
Due to the nature of these campuses, existing utility records and as-builts for the utility systems were extremely limited. The communications and technical experience of the team became apparent as crews found unknown tunnels and other underground anomalies that needed further investigation and mapping. Due to the size and complexity of the individual campuses, multiple project teams were created for each campus, with all of them coordinating under one program manager. Communication with all stakeholders was essential.
The results of the multi-campus investigations provided comprehensive utility records for the University system for the first time. This information is already proving to be of value for the University and their plans for expansion and development.